Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Manny Tapes

Just changed the boy, then set him down to play with some toys while I got him an outfit. Looked over and realized HOLY SHIT!!  THE KID'S ON FIRE!!! Puffs of smoke, floating around him!!!!

Of course, turns out I had put too much baby powder on his ass. As usual. But for one, fleeting second I thought I was gonna hafta cut out one of my Frasier episodes to dream up a story to tell his parents re: how I set their child on fire. Yeesh. Bullet, dodged.

"Hahahaha! Only YOU can prevent baby fires, you fucking douche!!"

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Manny Tapes

When you spend as much time with a 2 year-old as I do, much of that time is dedicated to animals. “What’s this animal?” “What’s the ________ say?” and on and on. Every book, animals riding in cars, talking to each other, drunk-texting each other in bars, whatever. Yesterday I was getting ready to feed the Short Bus, thinking about what to give him, and I noticed he was still clutching a small plastic chicken he had been playing with for a while.

Hmm, I thought. Feels like chicken.

Is that wrong? Feeding the boy the very animal he’s playing with at the moment?

Hmm. Life: a riddle in a jack-in-the-box.

"Hmm. Hey, here's a riddle: guess which one of us actually stuffed his fat-fuck face with the chicken?"